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Our Team

Phil Donaldson



Phil is a sustainable development professional. Sustainability policy experience within State and Local Government. Research into ratings systems, housing affordability and affordable living outcomes.   Industry Project Leader for the Adelaide Living laboratory (CRC for Low Carbon Living).Previous Director of Lochiel Park Development 2010-2012.


SustainSA as an organisation aimed at improving the life and well-being of communities through sustainable development practices and processes. Its purpose is to help local government, government, industry and corporate businesses to achieve a more sustainable and holistic approach to strategic planning, delivering and reporting through consideration of triple bottom line frameworks applied to decision making. The aim of this business is to grow an alliance of likeminded people with a range of skills that when joined together can create great things.


Heather Smith

Changing Weather


Heather is an electrical engineer with a technical background across energy and climate change issues. She has spent the past decade in policy development for the South Australian Government - leading South Australia's greenhouse strategy, work on climate smart precincts for the Premier's Climate Change Council and the latest Vision for a low carbon economy.


Changing Weather is an energy consultancy specialising in community energy and alternative generation.


SustainSA is delivering this project on behalf of key design sector member organisations:

© 2015 by Sustain SA.


Note on Images: Our best endeavours have been used to obtain permission from image owners and approval of associated text. If you believe an image on this site is being used incorrectly please Contact us.

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